Dementia costs in Switzerland

Costs per patient

  • Estimated cost per patient living at home: 70,121 CHF / year
  • Estimated cost per patient living in a care home: 89,756 CHF / year

National costs

  • Total costs: 11.8 billion CHF /year
  • Direct costs: 6.3 billion CHF / year (health care, paid-for social care)
  • Indirect costs: 5.5 billion CHF / year (informal care, loss of earnings)

Yet, investment into improving the sitaution is lacking!

Dementia costs more than 1% of the world GDP. The WHO asked member countries to invest in dementia research proportionally to the size of problem. Success in slowing dementia progression has been seen in the Worldwide FINGERS multidomain intervention programme, now extended to several countries. However, unlike many other European countries, Switzerland lacks a Dementia Prevention Research Plan.

Investment in dementia research as a percentage of GDP